Corporate Expense Management Application

A streamlined system designed to facilitate the tracking of employee expenses, ensuring their timely reimbursement at the end of each month.

Note: It's important to note that the development of this application served as a practical exercise for the Mobile Application Module, a part of the Software Engineering course at Koya University. The application was crafted using Java and SQLite to demonstrate the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course.

Employee abilities:

  • They can add, modify, and delete their personal expenses. An example of an expense entry might be: Category - Food, Price - 20,000, Date - 14/4/2022.
  • They can access a visual history of their expenses, represented in a pie chart format.
  • They have the ability to set daily reminders, which will prompt them to input their expenses.

Administrator abilities:

  • They can view a comprehensive list of all employees.
  • They can access a detailed history of employee expenses, presented in an illustrative pie chart format.
  • They have the ability to set daily reminders.
  • Create, update category e.g. creating food category.
  • Create account for their employee
  • They are granted the authority to delete an employee's account if necessary.

Visual representation:

Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0Input 0